Wednesday 26 October 2011

Aazaan Movie Review

Sachiin Joshi could not have asked for a better launch pad. A slickly shot movie, with loads of first-rate action and very high production inputs, akin to a Hollywood flick. All he has to do is give side profile shots and look intently at the camera with kohl-lined eyes. Very rarely does he have to speak. Whenever he does speak, his weak voice lets him down. But yes, the lad does have screen presence.

The first five minutes of the movie are gripping. The smart camera angles, the alarming visuals and background score have you in a spin. Soon, however, you realize, you are lost in a maze which is as confusing to the characters on screen. At one moment you are in South Africa, the next in Germany, then somewhere in Poland, Hong Kong, Thailand, and France, not to forget India. Every few minutes Director Prashant Chaddha takes you somewhere... But all the time he engages in warfare. Khat khat khat khat khat... goes the machine gun, or boom goes the bomb... there's action galore. You are left like a spectator in a circus seeing the pyrotechnics on screen with no clue as what the story is.

Story? Yes, there was a story and a back story, but somewhere, Chadha conveniently hides his weak script behind action, more action and some more action. That's not enough buddy! Give us a story, and a sensible link!

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